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Getting a respectable job these days has become the most arduous task. One has to undergo several difficult phases in order to get a proper job.

The prospect of engineering more specifically petroleum engineering are fading at an alarming rate.The safest thing an engineer can do is to opt for an MBA degree.

In order to get an MBA degree, the first step is to secure an admission at a university.In Karachi, you have a number of choices on your platter, but there the factors of cost and recognition narrow down the options.

If you reside in Karachi, an MBA from the IBA is an ideal one as far as affordability and recognition is concerned.


The road to the IBA is not a walk in the park and a candidate has to prepare properly for it. The recommended books for preparation are; SAT I for BBA and GMAT for the MBA program.

Once you clear the test, which most of the candidates easily do, you have to appear for an interview,which is the deciding factor for the admission.


The interview is a two stage process; a group discussion followed by the main interview.


In the group discussion the moderator will give you a particular topic and every candidate in the room will be given one minute to express his views about that topic. Once this concludes, the floor is opened for a general discussion in which everyone is expected to speak. Here,one must be cautious that the discussion not only includes speaking, but it also includes listening.

A person must exercise a considerable amount of patience during the GD. The moderators continuously monitor you and then they start to silence the most vocal participants, giving the introverts the chance to speak.

Remember,there is no wrong or right argument in a group discussion,the only thing that matters is the self confidence.


Once the GD concludes, the candidates are interviewed by the panel,which includes the faculty and industry personnel.

Remember,never start the discussion,let them open the discussion. While answering the questions, be brief and precise. Don't try to be over smart or else you will end up arguing with the interviewer, which will be disastrous.

The interview may include the questions such as;

  • Why did you opt for an MBA degree?
  • Why IBA?
  • If you are rejected, what will you do?
  • After the completion of your MBA, how will you convince the employer to hire you?
Well my advice is to keep the answers as brief and diplomatic as possible, this may increase the chances of success.


Once you are admitted to the IBA, your aunts and uncles will admire you, you will become an example for many.You may notice that people will behave properly with you,your long lost estranged friends will return in your company and the list of privileges goes on.

To conclude,prepare well for the test and the interview, pass them and taste the fruits that fall in your plate as a result. 


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