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Karachi is stained with the blood of innocent people every day who are murdered brutally by ‘anonymous’ killers.
The provincial government and the state are both unable to address this grave issue that has crippled the lives of the people of the metropolitan city. Every day approximately nine people lose their lives by being shot, or being packed in a sack or through any other method. This condition prevails due to the criminal mentality of some groups.
There are three groups involve in this blood; MQM, Lyari Peace Committee and the ANP.


MQM has been a menace for Karachi since the last three decades. It is an ethnic group that claims to represent Muhajirs, but on the other hand it has killed thousands of Muhajirs to quench its bloodlust.
It is more organized and disciplined than the Italian Mafia, and better equipped than the Karachi Police. There have been two state sponsored operations to eliminate the MQM but they proved to be in vein MQM reorganized in the early 2000s .

Their leader, Mr. Altaf Hussain (who resides in his multimillion house in London) has publicly opposed the two nation theory and has also cursed the founding fathers of Pakistan.

Apart from murders, the MQM is a major share holder in all the other crimes committed in Karachi. There are proofs that they are backed and supported by foreign countries such as India and the United Kingdom.

Their headquarters at Azizabad seems to be a different country where free entry is restricted. Men armed with sophisticated weapons guard the Nine Zero, the house of their self exiled leader, Mr. Altaf Hussain.
MQM has fuelled animosity for the Muhajirs among other ethnicities due to their diabolical acts and this has led to the creation of two parallel  political militant wings, as a reaction to their reign of terror.

Lyari Peace Committee

The Lyari Amn Committee is the second group that has made peace elusive in Karachi. This group, led by Uzair Baloch has maintained their legacy of terror through the same crimes as that of their counterparts within the MQM. This group was previously a satellite of the PPP but soon it gained autonomy and now it is a separate entity. It comprises mainly of the Baloch people and it maintains its reign of terror in Lyari and adjoining areas.

According to some people LAC is more ruthless than the MQM in its practices. It has virtually transformed Lyari into a no go area for other ethnicities. It is also a major belligerent in the on going Lyari gang war.


The Awami National Party is the third stakeholder in the Karachi unrest.They gained influence in the city after the May 12,2007 incident in Karachi.
This Party claims to represent the Pashtuns in the country. Karachi has the largest Pashtun population in the world. They have mainly settled in the city in search of livilyhood. They still live peacefully in the city and donot disturb the serenity of the city.
On the other hand the ANP employs all sorts of diabolical means to extend their reign of terror that are used by their counterparts. Though they claim to follow the ideology of non violence , they use it as a method to fulfill their evil designs.

These three factions fight among each other , and they also kill innocent paople to quench their blood lust. This situation has shattered the inter ethinic harmony in the city.


In order to save the city from descending into an ethnic violence, a number of steps should be taken by the federal government, the armed forces and the people of Karachi.
The federal government should give its first and foremost prority to the maintenance of peace in Karachi. Karachi contributes the largest share in the national revenue through its exports and taxes, so it must get the maximum attention so as to maintain law and order .

The armed forces should create special intelligence units and hit squads to get rid of these rotten eggs. These criminals should be eliminated; either judicially or extra judicially, as they don't deserve to live.

The citizens of Karachi should not extend their support to these factions. They should not vote for them in the elections, They should also initiate awareness programme so as to spread awareness among the masses to cease their support for them.

Only these three measures can ensure sustainable peace in Karachi.


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