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Showing posts from 2013

Expectation is the root of all heartaches

 People have all sorts of expectations from others, they start to expect as soon as they establish some sort of relationship with them. It is in human nature that human beings cannot live in isolation and their happiness is dependent on other’s conduct. The two most common types of expectations are ; the post graduate expectations and the romantic expectations. Post graduate expectations As soon as he steps into an undergraduate program, it is expected that a person will easily find a job at its conclusion. His parents and his close associates believe that he will surely get a job, regardless of the prevailing slump in the job market. Throughout the course of his graduation he is treated with a very civilized manner. But after graduation if he fails to get a proper job then he has to listen to very degrading remarks and has to bear this psychological warfare with perseverance. It is very difficult to fight at the home front as a person expects it to be his safe frontier...


Karachi is stained with the blood of innocent people every day who are murdered brutally by ‘anonymous’ killers. The provincial government and the state are both unable to address this grave issue that has crippled the lives of the people of the metropolitan city. Every day approximately nine people lose their lives by being shot, or being packed in a sack or through any other method. This condition prevails due to the criminal mentality of some groups. There are three groups involve in this blood; MQM, Lyari Peace Committee and the ANP. MQM MQM has been a menace for Karachi since the last three decades. It is an ethnic group that claims to represent Muhajirs, but on the other hand it has killed thousands of Muhajirs to quench its bloodlust. It is more organized and disciplined than the Italian Mafia, and better equipped than the Karachi Police. There have been two state sponsored operations to eliminate the MQM but they proved to be in vein MQM reorganized ...

Internship at Adhi field

The internship at PPL started just three days after the end of my job at the City School.  This internship was a package full of professional and social lessons. It was the first time when I observed people from different cultural background working together. The following lines are based on factual events and observations. I was assigned to the production department that worked ceaselessly. We used to go to the wells in scorching heat and even during heavy showers. The production department was free from time and space, and this was its most interesting and distinguishing feature. Sometimes we visited wells in evening and stayed there for days. Sometimes we used to work for more than 12 hours ceaselessly. The work was tough and the weather even tougher. Sometimes we had to work in intense heat wearing thick coveralls, the coveralls used to get damp due to perspiration. Hands and face also got s...

Post Graduate Challenges

Convocation is a very promising event; it marks the end of a journey and the beginning of another. It is the threshold between the student life and the professional life. The end of student life opens the floodgates of expectations and the questions about the job of a person. In the case of a girl, people expect her to get engaged soon after the graduation. Analysing the case of a man, when he graduates his relatives i.e. uncles , cousins etc. start asking about his job , they ask so many questions that a person gets mentally exhausted. The people who do not talk to you properly the whole year, do not greet you properly, and are least interested to meet you, start to take interest in your job status. If a person is doing a temporary job, he again confronts the same situation as above and in addition to it salary is discussed, the company is analyzed etc. If the person is an introvert he tries to avert the situation by not responding to their questions. Sometimes he tries to ave...


The strongest emotion in the world is love. Love is defined as the feeling of deep affection for something or someone. There are two types of love; spiritual love and material love. Spiritual love is the most supreme and noble feeling. It has two types; the love of God and the love of parents. The love of god is the source of every noble deed in this world. If a person truly loves god, he will do everything to please him. He will never commit any crime and will maintain a good moral character. This is the reason that most of the practicing followers of faith do not indulge in any type of criminal activity. While secular societies are infested with all sorts of immorality. The most supreme act for the love of god is laying down one’s life in his path. If a person is following the path of god, he will always be confronted with difficulties and hindrances; on the contrary if he is on the wrong path he will not find any hindrance. This is described by Dr.Iqbal his poem Bilal as: “T...

NED Diaries

In the beginning (1 st year) I was like a machine gun that continuously fired words that were beyond the comprehension of people. I had few friends as most people avoided me. In the second year I gained some control over my words, though not completely and I started to make some friends. In the third year I almost became a celebrity, as most of the class discovered my talent and I gathered yet another bunch of friends. The third year was the best year in the university life, we had lots of fun and most importantly I discovered Fatima, though I did not have enough courage to talk to her. Taha had to bear two internships with me during that year. The final year was a gloomy year, though we had a little bit of fun, it was a total reign of boredom. The only memorable event in the final year was the visit to Mari Gas Company, the movies that I watched with Belal and the drafting of the constitution of the SPE. Drawing class Engineering drawing was a boring subject,...