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The strongest emotion in the world is love. Love is defined as the feeling of deep affection for something or someone.
There are two types of love; spiritual love and material love. Spiritual love is the most supreme and noble feeling. It has two types; the love of God and the love of parents.
The love of god is the source of every noble deed in this world. If a person truly loves god, he will do everything to please him. He will never commit any crime and will maintain a good moral character. This is the reason that most of the practicing followers of faith do not indulge in any type of criminal activity. While secular societies are infested with all sorts of immorality. The most supreme act for the love of god is laying down one’s life in his path. If a person is following the path of god, he will always be confronted with difficulties and hindrances; on the contrary if he is on the wrong path he will not find any hindrance. This is described by Dr.Iqbal his poem Bilal as:
“The fight in the way of true love is not a fight; there is no joy in love without persecution.”
The second type of spiritual love is the love of parents. Parents are the relics of god’s blessings on a person; they are the first teachers of a person and his best friends. God has enjoined a man to obey his parents and never to rebuke them. If a person obeys his parents he obeys god and vice versa. A man who disobeys his parents is a man who has torn the one sided ticket to the Elysium. God has enjoined good behavior to the parents after enjoining his worship. The love and respect towards one’s parents lead to the spiritual salvation of a person.
Material love can be divided into two types; patriotism and romance. Patriotism is the love for one’s motherland; it is a noble feeling that resides within one’s heart. Patriotism can be a source of good as well as evil. It is not just the singing of the national song or waving of the national flag. It has led to the creation of many nation states and has motivated many men to lay down their lives for their motherland; this is the best service that one can render for his native land. This is also indicated in the poem ‘Charge of the light brigade’:
Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori.’ (It is fit and good to die for one’s native land)
But if this love exceeds its limits, then it is lethal for global peace and tranquility. This could be seen during the colonial era when the powerful European nations colonized and enslaved the weaker nations and exploited their resources for their own benefits. This is indicated by Dr. Iqbal in the following words:
“The enmity among the nations is due to nationalism,
Conquest is the hidden motive of trade due to nationalism,
The politics is full of lies due to nationalism,
The houses of the weak are trodden due to nationalism.”
The other type of material love is romance. It is due to the natural affinity between men and women. It begins with the development of interest between the two, and then it develops into friendship and a relation of mutual respect. It then evolves into a caring relation. Both of them never cross the pre-defined red lines of the relation and respect each other’s interest. This interest deepens and deepens until one of them proposes the other. Romance can be due to many reasons; it can be due to beauty, it can be due to the overlapping of their area of interest etc. sometimes this may lead to their matrimonial union and sometimes they are parted away by fate. One must follow his love but must never forget the ground realities. He or she must make the situation conducive to fulfill their noble ambitions.

According to me one should die for his faith or his motherland rather than dying in the arms of his darling but this just my personal belief I am not advocating it.


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