Sunain next week phoppo ki Shakeela ki shadi hai, tou weekend pe shopping pe chalain. Honey,its Shakeela's wedding next week lets go for shopping.Every Pakistani household is confronted with the greatest problem during the wedding season;what to wear? So this conversation is followed by several visits to the designers and tailors and then after wasting hours (in fact days) in shopping, a dress is usually purchased.( It is ironic that thousands of rupees are squandered on a dress whose utility is just for a few hours). Then there comes the question of makeup, appointments are reserved, followed by 2-3 trips to the beauty salons as if the ladies are attending the coronation of the Queen of England. This makes them appear as Emelia Recolleti of the abominable bride of BBC Sherlock. Before visiting the beauty parlour After visiting the beauty parlour Shakeela The bride (referred to as Shakeela) comes all loaded in jeweller...