Napoleon once said: History is the version of the past events that people have decided to agree upon. Adolf Hitler, the so called worst dictator of all times has also been victimized by the historians and chroniclers. It is true that he was an autocratic ruler, he was a war monger and his actions led to massive destruction not only in Europe but throughout the globe. He was not the only one to do so, his predecessors from the civilized world and from the great democracies have also committed same crimes but, as they were victors, no one blames them for their acts of maintaining the civilized order of the world. To this day the media including the print and the electronic media portray the Nazis as a band of psychopaths who first captured Europe and then unleashed their reign of terror, conducted the genocide of the European Jews known as the holocaust and in the end were defeated by the Allies. No one says that Nazi rivals committed all those crimes that were committed by them d...